It's Sew Easy.

It's Sew Easy

Sewing experts offer easy ways to create neat sewing projects right at home. Viewers of all skill levels learn tips and techniques for creating professional-looking garments, personalized apparel and home accents. Weekly episodes feature various themes, and feature two main projects and one shorter technique segment. Some projects include monogramming napkins and towels; baby poncho, hooded towel and baby-friendly diapers; embellishing yoga pants with a clothing tattoo; and sewing on knits.

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Sun, 5/26 at 6:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS Create

Let's Get Started

Variety of techniques using the sewing machine and serger; a sew along featuring the Bella Top -- adding sleeves and embroidery; altering patterns with various style changes.

Sun, 6/2 at 6:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS Create


An easy technique for creating baby bibs in the hoop; making a folding fabric basket for storing sewing supplies or other items.